The Microsoft Surface logo with the word Event below it, all set against a black background.

The Next Microsoft Surface Event: Date, News, Announcements, Rumors, and More

What's on tap for the software giant this year

Microsoft announces new products (and sometimes services) at its highly-anticipated Surface-focused events.

What Is the Date for the Next Surface Event?

Microsoft hasn't announced the date for the next Surface presentation. The last event was on May 20; it was for journalists, and the company didn't livestream it.

Which Products Will Be Announced?

Microsoft typically uses this event to announce new Surface products. The May 20 event showed off new versions of the Surface Pro and Surface Laptop, both of which are built for artificial intelligence.

The Surface Laptop 7th Edition


The Surface Event Recap

The May 20 event revealed the consumer models of the Surface Pro and Surface Laptop and some showcases of their software capabilities.

These are the first of a new line of Windows computers, "Copilot+." These AI-centric computers will come from Microsoft and manufacturers like Asus, HP, and Lenovo. They'll use new processors and have features like Recall (which lets you quickly return to earlier tasks), faster image generation, and Live Captions for videos.

  • Surface Pro, 11th Edition. The new Surface Pro has a 13-inch screen and a new Pro Flex keyboard, which works while attached and separately from the computer.
  • Surface Laptop, 7th Edition. This one has two screen options: 13.8 inches and 15 inches. Microsoft says it has an all-day battery that can stream up to 22 hours of video on a single charge.

You can watch Microsoft presentations on its event page.

The Latest Microsoft News

While you can always read the latest technology news on Lifewire, here are some pieces of interest about Microsoft in particular.