
22 Pins
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a drawing of a girl standing on top of suitcases with her hair blowing in the wind
an anime character with red hair and blue eyes sitting in front of white flowers, surrounded by greenery
[아이폰 배경화면] 지브리 시리즈 배경화면 2번째
a girl with red hair and blue eyes looks out from behind a green window sill
빨강머리앤 배경화면 명대사
an illustrated book cover for anne arrives
12 New Books For Anne of Green Gables Fans | Book Riot
12 New Books For Anne of Green Gables Fans | Book Riot
a drawing of a woman in a dress and hat with long brown hair wearing boots
Anne with an E
Inspiration, Artist, Anna
a painting of a woman in a brown dress and red hat walking through yellow flowers
a woman standing on top of a lush green field
// Anne. By Ji-Hyuk Kim, one of my favorite Korean artists.
a woman sitting on top of a stool with her legs crossed and hands behind her head
Pippi Langstrumpf
an advertisement for the women's journal featuring a woman in striped shorts and boots with her hands on her hips
종이인형 (말괄량이 삐삐)
종이인형 (말괄량이 삐삐) : 네이버 블로그
a woman in blue and white dress standing next to a man with red hair holding a stick
Anne of green Gables