Know More about Organ Donation (Brain Death)

Know More about Organ Donation - Brain Death

Definition of Brain Death

With the development of medical technology, there is a new change of the concept of human death and how to determine such death; the complete cessation of breathing and heartbeats would not be the only benchmark any more. From the 1980s onwards, brain death has become a determinant of human death in the international medical arena.

Brain stem is the central network of human life. Its function includes conveying messages by linking the brain and spinal cord, controlling breathing and regulating blood pressure and body temperature. Brain death, including the brain stem, is the whole of the irreversible loss of brain function status.

Determination of Brain Death

Pre-conditions for determining brain death include a clear reason leading to coma with elimination of all kinds of reversible factors. The determination of brain death is done by two senior eligible doctors who have no relations with Organ Transplant Services to carry out two separate tests. When the brain stem response completely disappears together with the loss of ability to breathe independently, the doctors will formally declare the patient's death. Purely relying on modern medical technology to maintain the residual life of the heart and characterization can no longer be used to represent the existence of life.

Difference between Brain Death and Vegetative State

Brain Death

  • Brain stem cells die, no longer be able to control breathing, blood pressure and body temperature, and regulate other important body functions.
  • Patient stops breathing and totally depends on ventilating machine. Due to the lack of central command from brain stem and set-in of infection, blood pressure will drop and cardiac arrest will be developed within a short period of time.
  • Brain death is equal to death. A brain-dead patient may be suitable for organ donation.

Vegetative State

  • Cerebrum loses majority of functions, the patient is unable to think and has no memory, cognitive, behavioral or speech abilities.
  • However, the brain stem function remains. The patient has spontaneous breathing and heartbeat and has reaction towards outside stimulus.
  • "Vegetative patient" is not dead yet and will not be considered as a suitable organ donor.