Fit For Everyday Essentials: The Victorinox Swiss Army Knife 

Being prepared for anything that comes your way has never looked so good. 
Fit For Everyday Essentials The Victorinox Swiss Army Knife

When you leave the house every morning, you probably pat your pockets and whisper “keys, wallet, phone” to yourself before heading out the door. This is a mantra many of us have adopted, a way to remind ourselves about the essentials that we need on our person as we venture out into the world. I suggest adding something else to your essentials, a Victorinox Swiss Army Knife

There may be no more useful object than a Swiss Army Knife. Keeping one in your pocket puts you in a position to tackle several everyday problems and tasks. It makes you self-sufficient and able to unplug. But it’s always vital, from a quick nail file to cutting down cardboard for recycling.  As useful in everyday life as it is off the beaten path. It keeps you prepared. 

Designed over 125 years ago for troops to do tasks such as opening canned food, The Victorinox Swiss Army Knife has become an enduring utility and intelligent design icon: the instantly recognizable red handle, cross and shield emblem is packed with essentials that can aid in everyday life. Victorinox Swiss Army Knives are made with high-quality materials and a stainless steel body. Depending on your chosen model, they include various implements, including blades, metal files and nail files, key rings, saws, Phillips screwdrivers, scissors, wire strippers, and much more.

When you think of the Swiss Army Knife, it probably brings to mind the simple and classic Officer’s knife. The Huntsman punches well above its weight. The wood saw and scissors combined with the two standard knife blades and openers provide the Huntsman with the most popular tools and the ability to handle most cutting tasks. Do yard work, add a hole to your belt, and you can even remove a hangnail. The options are endless.

The Classic SD should do the trick if you want a smart option that hangs easily from your keychain. The knife has one small blade and a nail file with a screwdriver at the tip. So you can carve up an apple, open your mail, or break down those boxes that have been sitting in the corner. The classic is available in various colors and materials, like Mango Tango and Summer Rain, that allow you to express your personal taste. There is even a selection of accessories to make it feel like yours. 

In short, a Swiss Army Knife is a simple and civilized way to handle almost anything—no more opening packages with your teeth or ripping into envelopes with grubby fingers. Whether you spend most of your time indoors or outdoors, you should keep a Swiss Army Knife on you. Life comes at you fast. Being prepared is critical; no heavy toolbox is needed. Keys, wallet, phone, Swiss Army Knife. Practical, functional, and even a little stylish, a Victorinox Swiss Army Knife will help you master the moment.