Girls in the Beauty Department

Japan's 2009 Nail Queen Awards: Full of Wacky and Fun Nail Art

Here in the States, nail art is only slowly starting to gain momentum on the red carpet. But over in Japan, it's a whole other story. They have actual award ceremonies celebrating celebrity nails. And this year's Nail Queen Awards had a few interesting highlights.

Here in the States, nail art is only slowly starting to gain momentum on the red carpet. But over in Japan, it's a whole other story. They have actual award ceremonies celebrating celebrity nails. And this year's Nail Queen Awards had a few interesting highlights.

They ranged from regular overlays:

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To studded:

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To ruffled and polka-dotted:

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And the wackiest one, the cut-out nails:

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See the curves in the top there? That's an actual curve in the nail.

Now, I'm not a nail-art fan in real life, but there is something sort of fun about these looks, don't you think? They're so playful. And I'm especially digging the ruffled nail look. Very cute.

Do you ever play around with nail art? Wish we had a nail art ceremony over here? Were you expecting something a little crazier from the awards show? Discuss.

Related: A pen that make DIY-ing nail art a breeze.

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Photos: Getty Images