Alien Skulls and Their Makers: The Creation of the "Sealand Skull" and the Hoax It Unintentionally Inspired.

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Authors: Tim Callahan and H.H. Loyche
Date: Wntr 2021
From: Skeptic (Altadena, CA)(Vol. 26, Issue 1)
Publisher: Skeptics Society & Skeptic Magazine
Document Type: Report
Length: 3,161 words
Lexile Measure: 1400L

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A FEW YEARS AGO, WHEN DONALD PROTHERO AND I (TC) were writing UFOs, Chemtrails and Aliens: What Science Says, we divided up the topics that each of us would address. One of my subjects was examining alleged physical evidence of extraterrestrial contact. This included what were purported to be the skulls of ancient extraterrestrials who supposedly died while visiting our planet in times long past. We covered: the Paracas skulls from Peru; the so-called "Starchild" cranium, of uncertain provenance, but supposedly from a mine in Mexico; the Rhodope and Adygea skulls from southern Bulgaria and the Russian federal republic of Adygea in the Caucasus region near the Black Sea, respectively; and, finally, the Sealand skull from Denmark.

Of these only the Paracas skulls and the "Starchild" were human. The Paracas skulls, with their elongated craniums, do look exceptionally weird. However, these skulls, like those of the Huns, skulls from the island of Malta (dating to ca. 3,000 BCE), the Maya and the Mangbetu of central Africa (among many others), owe their peculiar elongation to deliberate cranial deformation. During infancy and early childhood the skulls of human beings are quite malleable. If the child's head is bound tightly or other means are used to deform it, the cranium will be altered into an elongated shape. Thus, the Paracas skulls, though strange looking, were terrestrial in origin. The so-called "Starchild" skull belonged, not to an extraterrestrial, nor to a hybrid of grey alien and human, but rather to a very young Native American child who died of congenital hydrocephalus. The word derives from Greek words meaning "water" and "head" The bulging cranium of the "Starchild" resulted not from a large brain but from the fatal accumulation of large amounts of cerebrospinal fluid on the brain.

While the Rhodope and Adygea skulls are definitely skulls--or, more correctly, broken portions of skulls--they are neither alien nor human. The Rhodope skull is a severed portion of a cow skull. Its "eyes" are, in fact part of a damaged ethmoid bone. The "eye" openings are actually holes for the passage of olfactory nerves from the brain. Likewise, the Adygea skull is a broken portion of the skull of a species of wild goat native to the Caucasus, Capra caucasica, about which Don and I, along with Russian paleontologist Alexey Bondarev, wrote in the fall 2016 issue of SKEPTIC magazine. (1) That leaves the Sealand Skull, which we described in our 2017 book, UFOs, Chemtrails and Aliens (121-124) as described below.

One last allegedly alien skeletal find is the Sealand skull. It looks generally human and is (probably) close to human in size. However, its eye sockets are enormous relative to the size of the skull itself. They resemble those of either a tarsier or an owl monkey--both are nocturnal primates. The skull's upper canine teeth are elongated to the point of being fangs.

The skull, complete with its lower jaw, was allegedly discovered by workers repairing sewer pipes in a house in Olstykke, on the island...

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