The meeting: Amin al-Husseini and Adolf Hitler, 1941

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Author: David Sokol
Date: Dec. 2010
From: Journal for the Study of Antisemitism(Vol. 2, Issue 2)
Publisher: Journal for the Study of Antisemitism
Document Type: Article
Length: 960 words
Lexile Measure: 1260L

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On November 28, 1941, in Berlin, there was a momentous meeting of Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, and Adolf Hitler. They conspired to set into motion a plan still afoot today--genocidal antisemitism. Based on a vignette, German translator John Eppler leaked the details of the plan. Below is the account as portrayed in the film The Mufti (reviewed in this issue).

For Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the meeting with Adolf Hitler was not a complete success, but it was a very productive one. The Mufti hoped that this Berlin meeting in 1941 would result with a public anointing by Hitler as the leader of the Arab world. Up to this meeting, there had been growing support from Germany (Herf, 2009, 68). The Mufti wanted a commitment from the Fuhrer to support Arab unity and independent Pan Arabism/Islamism. He spoke as if he represented the worldwide Muslim community (Lebel, 2003, 158).

The Mufti also asked Hitler for the Nazi's "scientific" solution to the Jewish Question. The solution included the use of these "scientific" methods to rid Palestine of its Jewish population. Both Hitler and the Mufti agreed to stop a national Jewish homeland (Lebel, 2004, 113). Convinced of his idol's requirement of antisemitism as patriotism, the Mufti has made antisemitism a requirement of Islam as well. It was at this meeting that Hitler repeated his call for the extermination of the Jews beyond Europe, now to...

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